Venezuelan Karateka Retains World Title

Antonio Diaz

In November 2012 the world champion in the specialty of kata, Antonio Diaz, won gold medal at the World Karate Federation championships in Paris. Originally a Shitoryu/Shitokai practitioner, and an old training partner of Sandra Sensei, Antonio sure showed his demolishing superiority against the French hosting contenders -and against the Japanese too!

Shitoryu Queensland went to Japan in 2013

Japanese Karate Poster

The World Shitoryu Karate Federation invited its members to the Shitoryu world's gathering in Japan in 2013. The best of Shitoryu was honoured by world class judges and the organisers of the event.

We were very lucky to be able to attend the event. We have so many amazing action shots of kata and kumite that we don't know what to do with them!